Post Archive



PSS: Getting Outside the Box

In the last post, we showed a SystemVerilog implementation of a PSS model that printed “Hello World!”. Interesting, perhaps, but quite a ways from being useful. In order to be useful, our PSS model needs to interact with the environment surrounding it. This post will cover more details about how...

Transpilation and PSS

You’re probably familiar with compilers. They take a high-level input description – typically a programming language – and distill it down to an efficient low-level implementation. Typically the implementation is machine code or bytecode. In other words, as close as possible to what will actually execute given the language ecosystem....



What's Next for PSS?

As the year winds down, it’s a good time to think about the coming year and the areas where I’d like to have an impact. One area of particular interest this year is the Portable Test and Stimulus (PSS) standard. The Accellera PSS working group released the 3.0 version of...


Easy Access to Python Libraries with a SystemVerilog Convenience API

In the last post (DPI Isn’t Enough: Making Python Part of Your SV Testbench), we looked at how to use the PyHDL-IF library to call SystemVerilog from Python. This is, in some sense, the most challenging Python and SV interaction to implement. And, as the title suggests, it’s something that...

DPI Isn't Enough: Making Python Part of Your SV Testbench

I’ve been using Python for verification since early 2019 for personal projects, and have found both the language and the rich ecosystem of general and special-purpose libraries to be incredibly helpful in quickly and efficiently bringing up a testbench environment. cocotb, the most popular integration between Python and HDL simulators,...



Of Register Models and Standards

Memory-mapped registers play an integral part in configuring and driving the operation of the vast majority of digital designs today. As a consequence, it’s not surprising that each language and methodology involved in the design, verification, and documentation of digital designs has its own way of interacting with registers. Fortunately,...


Relating Actions with Dataflow Part2 -- Parallelism

A few posts back (Relating Actions with Dataflow), we talked about using buffer objects to form a relationship between actions that execute sequentially. Because the actions execute sequentially, this relationship looks a lot like function call or the transfer of a transaction. What is actually happening is actually a bit...


Interacting with Devices via PSS Registers

We’ve been looking at properly modeling the types of behaviors that we want to exercise on our DMA IP for the last few posts. Of course, until we can actually start programming the DMA registers, all of our modeling won’t actually do anything. PSS provides two primary ways to connect...

PSS Concurrency and Resources

Resource contention is a challenge that arises any time concurrency and shared resources (data, hardware accelerators, etc) are involved. It’s one of the big challenges, and source of bugs, in implementing code that takes advantage of parallelism. When it comes to hardware resources, safe access to shared resources is generally...

PSS Memory Management Fundamentals

Storage (memory) is right in the middle of all the work with do with computer architecture. We have different kinds of memory that each have different trade-offs around performance (latency / throughput), cost per unit, and power consumption. We arrange memories into hierarchies with the goal of keeping frequently-used data...


Modeling DMA Test Scenarios with PSS

If you’ve been following the blog for any length of time, you’ve likely noticed that I like to work with examples and applications when it comes to learning and understanding technology. I certainly like the tendency of applications to take knowledge out of the theoretical realm and into the practical,...

Relating Actions with Dataflow

Modularity and reuse are key concerns when it comes to programming languages. While languages without many modularity and reuse features may be quick and easy to write – think shell scripts – they ultimately fail to scale. PSS provides a wealth of mechanisms for structuring test content for reuse that...

Declarative Programming and Multi-Core Tests

As humans, we often pride ourselves on our ability to multi-task. Not only can we participate in a meeting, we can we simultaneously prepare the slides for the next meeting. Sadly, science has some bad news about our perception to multitask vs our actual ability. In reality, like a single-core...

PSS Fundamentals: Actions, Components, and Test Generation

Complex engineering endeavors require complex calculations. It’s open to debate as to when the first engineering project that required complex calculations occurred. What we do know is that those calculations would have been done by hand. And this state largely remained until the broad availability of the electronic calculator in...


Automating Bare-Metal Tests with PSS

As a technologist, it’s tempting to focus on what is new (at least, new to me) – especially when choosing what to write about. I’m periodically reminded that there is immense value in returning to topics. Returning to a topic might raise awareness with a different set of readers, but...

New Year, New Space

We’ve more than gotten started on the new year. In fact, DVCon – reliably and predictably held during the last few days of February and initial few of March is right around the corner. And, here I am just getting the first post of the year out. Getting a late...



Simplifying Custom Template-Generated Content

 As a verification engineer, it's quite common to work with data and code that follow a regular pattern. Having an efficient way to create this repetitive code is a significant productivity boost. While there certainly are places in the code where 'your critical generation or checking algorithm' goes, much of...


PyUCIS: Manipulating Coverage Data

 In a prior post, we looked at how to inspect coverage as a text report and export coverage data using the PyVSC API, and view coverage graphically using the PyUCIS-Viewer. Recent enhancements have enabled the PyUCIS library to provide even more ways to manipulate coverage data. Over the next couple...


Tools and Techniques to Improve YAML-File Usability

 This blog post is a bit of a departure from many that I’ve created for this blog. Most of my blog posts are about things I’ve created. This post is about a collection of tools that I use in developing the things I create.  I’ve recently come back to working on...

PyVSC: Working with Coverage Data

 I’ve been investing some time in documentation updates this weekend, after a couple of PyVSC users pointed out some under-described aspects of the PyVSC coverage flow. Given that these areas were under-documented in the past, it seemed a good opportunity to highlight what can be done with functional coverage data...


TbLink-RPC: Simplifying the Multi-Language Testbench

SystemVerilog/UVM is, by far, the most widely-used language and methodology for block and subsystem-level verification environments today. The simplicity of that statement overlooks the fact that it’s often very common to have other bits of non-SystemVerilog code connected. Maybe it’s some C/C++ code that implements a reference algorithm used by...


Documenting SystemVerilog with Sphinx

I've been digging into a project over the last few months whose value proposition is to simplify the process of connecting simulation-like environments and things like reference models, testbench languages, etc. I'll write more (likely much more) about this project in the future. This post, however, is about documentation and,...



SoC Integration Testing: Hw/Sw Coordination (Part 2)

Controlling the outside world -- specifically interface BFMs -- from embedded software is critical to SoC integration tests that exercise interface IP. In the last post, we showed how to pass data from embedded software to Python by tracing execution of the processor core and reading the mirrored values of...


SoC Integration Testing: Hw/Sw Test Coordination (Part 1)

 IP- and subsystem-level testbenches are quite monolithic. There is a single entity (the testbench) that applies stimulus to the design, collects metrics, and checks results. In contrast, an SoC-level testbench is composed of at least two islands: the software running on the design’s processor and the external testbench connected to...


SoC Integration Testing: IP-Integrated Debug and Analysis

 One of the things I've always liked about side projects is the freedom to stop and explore a topic of interest as it comes up. One such topic that came up for me recently is IP-integrated debug and analysis instrumentation. I started thinking about this after the last post (link)...


SoC Integration Testing: Higher-Level Software Debug Visibility

Debug is a key task in any development task. Whether debugging application-level software or a hardware design, a key to productive debug is getting a higher-level view of what is happening in the design. Blindly stepping around in source code or staring at low-level waveforms is rarely a productive approach...

SoC Integration Testing: Intro and Challenges

As I mentioned in my end-of-year post, one of my 2020 projects was to develop a design for the Google/eFabless/SkyWater Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) fab run. One thing I looked forward to was applying elements of the Python-based verification flow that I've been developing. Doing so highlighted a gap in my...



2020: Nights and Weekends Projects in Review

 2020 in ReviewLast year was my first year-end blog post looking back at the prior year's projects, and I thought I'd continue the (now) tradition this year. 2020 has definitely been a different year for me, and not just because of the COVID19 situation. It's been a year to take...


Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Queues: One List to Rule them All

Randomizable lists are, of course, very important in modeling more-complex stimulus, and I've been working to support these within PyVSC recently. Thus far, PyVSC has attempted to stay as close as possible to both the feature set and, to the extent possible, the look and feel of SystemVerilog features for...


Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage: Constraints

Over the past few blog posts, we've looked at:The fundamentals of modeling stimulus and functional coverage in PythonModeling verification data types in PythonModeling and capturing functional coverage in PythonMaking use of captured coverage dataIn this post, we will look at how to model constraints in Python using the PyVSC library....


Python Verification: Working with Coverage Data

Before jumping into this week's post, I wanted to offer a bit of an apology to my readers. I recently realized that, despite being a Google property, Blogger only notifies authors of comments for moderation if the author has specifically registered a 'moderator' email with the site. So, apologies to...

Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage: Functional Coverage

In my last two posts (here and here), I've been talking about modeling random stimulus, constraints, and functional coverage in Python. After looking at the fundamentals of capturing the specifics of data types such that they can be used for hardware verification last week, lets look at using those data...

Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage: Data Types

In my last post, Modeling Random Stimulus and Functional Coverage in Python, I introduced a Python library for modeling random variables, constraints, and functional coverage. Starting with this post, I'll go through several aspects of the PyVSC library in greater detail. In this post, I'll cover the data types supported by...


Modeling Random Stimulus and Functional Coverage in Python

If you've been following the blog over the last year, you've probably noticed that I've spent quite a bit of time over the last year learning and using Python. For several reasons, it's become my new favorite programming language. Until recently, I've mostly used Python as an implementation language. However,...


Selectively Muting your BFMs to Speed up Simulation

Have you ever had the misfortune to be on the CC list for a "lively" email discussion where you're a stakeholder but only case about the conclusion? You can't simply ignore the traffic, because you do care about the conclusion to the discussion. But, it would be a significant time...



2019 - The "Nights and Weekends Projects" Year in Review

It's almost the end of 2019, and I've been thinking back over the year as well as thinking ahead to 2020. In past years, I've often evaluated my "nights and weekends" projects using the same metrics I'm evaluated on at work: projects completed, and results obtained. This year, I've started...

Writing a Task-Based Cocotb BFM

BackgroundThe purpose of a Bus Functional Model (BFM) is to enable interacting with a design via a given protocol at a higher level of abstraction than the signal-level protocol, while knowing the bare minimum about the details of that protocol. Verification IP goes beyond these benefits to provide test plans,...


Adding Task-Based Bus Functional Models to Cocotb

Getting a project started -- even to a certain level of completeness -- is often pretty simple. A couple weekends of hacking often results in pretty good progress and results. Finishing things up, in contrast, is often a slow process. That has certainly been the case with some work I...


Embedded Languages: The Space Between Language and API

We're all familiar with general-purpose programming language for capturing general algorithms, but there are also a sizeable group of domain-specific languages that exist to efficiently capture reasoning in a specific domain -- whether that's hardware design (Verilog, VHDL), database manipulations (SQL), or models at a high level of abstraction (UML/xtUML)....

The Toolmaker's Dilemma: Visionaries Have Always Created Their Own Tools

I recently saw a quote (on Twitter, in a photo no less) to roughly the same effect as the title above: that innovators and visionaries have always created their own tools. I'd attribute the quote if I could, but the dynamic nature of Twitter has ensured that my chances of...


Py-HPI: Applying Python for Verification

IntroIn my last post, I talked about a prototype procedural interface between Python and HDL that enables cross-calling between Python and SystemVerilog. My primary motivation for investigating a procedural interface was its potential to maximize performance. In this post, I create a Python testbench for a small IP and compare...

Py-HPI: A Procedural HDL/Python Integration

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been looking at using Python for more tasks, including functional verification. My go-to languages for functional verification have traditionally been SystemVerilog for professional work, and C++ when I'm working on a personal project. I've started doing more of my small-application development in...

Functional Verification and the Ecosystem Argument

I've been involved in the functional verification space for quite some time -- both personally and professionally. On the personal side, I've recently been experimenting with using Python as a functional verification language. The simplest reason? The ecosystem.The Ecosystem ArgumentI've been involved in many discussions over the years that bring...


Generate Custom Content Quickly with a Template Engine

I was at DVCon earlier this week, and attended the UVM Update Tutorial delivered by Cliff Cummings. Cliff described his typical process of creating UVM elements, which is to have a set of 'golden' template files that can be copied and hand-customized to the task at hand. It's certainly something...


EDAPack: Simplifying Development-Tool Management

One of my first "real" engineering courses during my college days centered around scripting and working with Unix, and the professor really emphasized that any repetitive task was a candidate for automation. It's a point that resonated with me at the time, and I continue to question whether any mind-numbing...



FWRISC: Creating a Unit-test Safety Net

When developing software, I've become very comfortable with test-driven development -- a methodology that calls for tests to be developed along with, or even before, functionality. It's quite common for me to develop a test first, which obviously fails initially, and implement functionality until the test passes.I have typically approached...

FWRISC: Sizing up the RISC-V Architecture

After deciding on October 22nd to create a RISC-V implementation to enter in the 2018 RISC-V soft-core contest (with entries due November 26th), I needed to gather more information of the RISC-V ISA in general, and the RV32I subset of the ISA specifically. I had previously done some work in...

FWRISC: Designing an FPGA-friendly Core in 30 Days

Designing a processor is often considered to be a large and complex undertaking, so how did I decide to design and implement in a month? For a few reasons, really. For one, my background is in hardware design, despite having worked in the EDA (Electronic Design Automation) software industry for...


Why Not an IDE?

As anyone (technical) who knows me can attest, I'm a big fan of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). I've personally focused particularly on the Eclipse IDE, but I'm more generally a fan of the concept -- the notion that the task of developing code is different from the task of typing...


DVKit: Setting up SystemVerilog Development

In my last post on DVKit, I described how Eclipse uses projects to group source files, and uses workspaces to organize the projects and settings for a given development session. In this post, I'll start to dig into the support that DVKit provides for developing SystemVerilog.DVKit includes the SVEditor plugin...

DVKit: Workspaces, Projects, and Legacy Code

In Part 1 of this series, I introduced DVKit, an Eclipse-based IDE for files types used by DV engineers. If you're used to editing your source files with a single-file editor like Vi/Vim or Emacs, moving to an integrated development environment can take some getting used to. Single-file editors don't...

DVKit: More-productive Code Development for DV Engineers

If you're a design verification (DV) engineer, how many different languages do you code in every day? If you're like me, the number is significant. On any given day, I might find myself working on SystemVerilog, PERL, shell script, Makefile, even C++. Text editors like Vim and a host of others...



Make Your Prototype Board Cloud-Accessible

FPGA prototype boards are an important component of the hardware development process, and the progress of synthesizing a design, uploading it to the prototype, and validating its behavior has definitely become easier over time. Modern development environments from the major FPGA vendors make it easy to upload FPGA bitstreams to...


Designing Standard-protocol Interfaces with Chisel Bundles

Standard interfaces are all around us, and enhance interoperability between devices created by different organizations. While some standard interfaces are quite niche in nature, others, like the unbiquitous phono jack, have been used for many applications that are only slightly related. When it comes to design and reuse of design IP,...


Chisel Sharpening: In the end, it's all about results

At the end of the day, it's all about results, of course. A productivity improvement is great, as long as the implementation results at least stay constant. Any decrease in implementation results definitely detract from any productivity improvements.So, after all the work thus far describing and verifying the wishbone interconnect,...

Chisel Sharpening: If it's not tested, it's broken

"If it's not tested, it's broken."-- Bruce EckelI'm a big believer in the quote above, and cite it somewhat frequently -- perhaps to the tedium of my colleagues. In my last post, I showed a Chisel3-based description of a Wishbone interconnect. While it might have looked cool, without tests I had...

Chisel Sharpening: Initial impressions

Recently, RiscV ( has been all the rage. The free (as in speech and beer) instruction-set architecture has experienced an explosion of interest in the last couple of years, after being more-or-less an academic curiosity since 2010 or so.This post isn't about RiscV, though. It's about Chisel ( , the...



System Level Verification: What, Another Framework?

Frameworks have been enormously helpful in making testing and verification productive and reusable. In the RTL verification space, AVM, VMM, OVM, and UVM have all contributed to standardizing a pattern for RTL verification that encompasses encapsulation and reuse, automation for stimulus generation, and mechanisms for results checking. In the software...


System-level verification: Islands vs Continents

As the saying goes, "There is nothing permanent except change". However, even with constant change, similarities with what came before abound and true and complete discontinuities are relatively rare. This is certainly true in the functional verification space as we begin looking beyond the methodologies that served us well for...

Verification Frameworks and System-Level Verification

It seems the last decade or so has been the decade of the verification language and the verification framework. From SystemC, Vera, and 'e' to SystemVerilog, and VMM and AVM to OVM and UVM, a lot of focus has been placed on making design verification engineers productive in creating verification...

SVEditor: What's that reference? (Part 1)

One key feature of integrated development environments -- especially those for object oriented languages -- is the ability to find the references to a data type, a method, or a data field. A few months back, I implemented initial reference-finding functionality focused on module declarations and module instantiations. This functionality...