PSS: Getting Outside the Box · Bits, Bytes, and Gates

PSS: Getting Outside the Box

In the last post, we showed a SystemVerilog implementation of a PSS model that printed “Hello World!”. Interesting, perhaps, but quite a ways from being useful. In order to be useful, our PSS model needs to interact with the environment surrounding it.

This post will cover more details about how a PSS model interacts with the environment around it, and look at an object-oriented interface between PSS and a SystemVerilog environment.

Both PSS and SystemVerilog are object-oriented languages. With language interoperability, our goal is to keep each language’s view of inteacting with the “other” consistent with its own norms and conventions. Because both languages are object-oriented, we want SystemVerilog to see its interactions with PSS in object-oriented terms, and vice versa.

While we’re looking at an API in the context of our Zuspec PSS to SystemVerilog transpiler, the goal is to define a language interoperability approach that will work with many PSS tools.

Essentially, what we want is this:

flowchart TD subgraph Model1 ["PSS Model1"] BFM1_1["BFM1"] BFM1_2["BFM2"] end subgraph Model2 ["PSS Model2"] BFM2_1["BFM1"] BFM2_2["BFM2"] end subgraph Sim ["Simulation"] BFM1 BFM2 BFM3 BFM4 end Model1 --> Sim Model2 --> Sim

In other words, we want an integration mechanism that supports:

  • Multiple, independent, instances of PSS model implementations that run concurrently.
  • Multiple “logical streams” within each PSS model instance that interact with the SystemVerilog testbench

The biggest obstacle to achieving this is that both PSS and SystemVerilog use global functions to implement interactions with the outside world. Global functions do not allow us to leverage object-oriented language constructs, so we will need to add some infrastructure on top.

The Basics

PSS provides import functions to allow the PSS model to interact with the outside world.

import target function void bfm_write(bit[32] addr, bit[32] data);
import target function bit[32] bfm_read(bit[32] addr);

component bfm_c {
  action write {
    exec body {

In the example above, two functions are declared – one to perform a read via a BFM, and one to perform a write. These are global functions, accessible from all PSS contexts.

The PSS LRM specifies how function parameter and return types are mapped to SystemVerilog and C. Theoretically, we could map the functions themselves to export tasks and functions in SystemVerilog.

interface bfm;
  automatic task bfm_write(int unsigned addr, int unsigned data);
  export "DPI-C" task bfm_write;

  automatic task bfm_read(output int unsigned data, input int unsigned addr);
  export "DPI-C" task bfm_read;


The example above shows SystemVerilog export tasks that mirror the PSS import functions. Conceptually, calling bfm_write in PSS would translate into a call to the bfm_write task in SystemVerilog. If we do that, though, we have no awareness of multiple PSS model instances, and little implementation flexibility. Fortunately, a little methodology and a little code generation can help us get the object-oriented interfaces that we want!

Introducing the API Class

Zuspec-SV (our PSS to SV transpiler) defines an Import API class that contains a virtual method definition for each and every Import function in the PSS model.

class pss_import_api extends backend_api;
  virtual task bfm_write(int unsigned addr, int unsigned data);

  virtual task bfm_read(output int unsigned data, input int unsigned addr);


The code above shows what would be produced for the bfm_write and bfm_read functions shown earlier. The import API class inherits from another API class that defines built-in functions that the PSS model needs to access. Implementing the API can be done simply by creating a class that inherits from pss_import_api and providing implementations of the tasks and functions.

Connecting our API Implementation

Once we have a SystemVerilog class with properly-implemented methods, we need to connect the PSS model implementation to it. This is where things get a bit tool-specific.

PSS defines a scenario model as the combination of a tree of components and a hierarchy of actions that execute in the context of the components. Zuspec-SV refers to this component/action combination as an Actor. An Actor is implemented as a class that accepts the import API class as an argument to its constructor.

    class pss_top__Entry_actor extends actor_c;
        pss_top comp_tree;
        pss_import_api api;
        executor_base_c default_executor;

        function new(pss_import_api api=null);

As we saw in the Hello World example, we run a PSS model by creating an instance of the Actor and calling the run task.

Full Example

Let’s take a step-by-step look at the simple API implementation example in zuspec-examples. You can find the full example here.

If you want to try this example yourself, be sure to update your Zuspec-SV version. You can do so in the zuspec-examples project by running the following command:

% ./packages/python/bin/pip install -U zuspec-sv

You will need at least version 0.0.9 to run this example.

Let’s start with the PSS code:

import target function void bfm_write(input bit [32] addr, input bit [32] data);
import target function bit[32] bfm_read(input bit [32] addr);

component pss_top {

    action Entry {
        exec body {
            bit[32] data;
            bfm_write(0, 0x12345678);
            bfm_write(4, 0x12345678);
            data = bfm_read(4);
            message(LOW, "PSS read data %d", data);

We declare two import functions – one that writes data via a bus functional model (BFM), and one that reads data via a bus functional model.

We then declare a (very) simple PSS Action that calls the write function twice, calls the read function once, and displays the return value.

Implementing the API

Zuspec-SV creates the following API class based on the import functions declared within the PSS model:

    class pss_import_api #(type BaseT=zsp_sv::empty_t) extends backend_api #(BaseT);
        virtual task bfm_write(
                input int unsigned addr,
                input int unsigned data);
            `ZSP_FATAL(("Import function bfm_write is not implemented"));
        virtual task bfm_read(
                output int unsigned __retval,
                input int unsigned addr);
            `ZSP_FATAL(("Import function bfm_read is not implemented"));

Note that the signature of the bfm_read task is a bit different. This is because SystemVerilog tasks do not support a return value, so the result must be returned via an output parameter. Fortunately, this is all well-defined by the rules in the PSS LRM.

package simple_read_write_pkg;
    import pss_types::*;

    class api_impl extends pss_import_api;
        virtual task bfm_write(
            input int unsigned addr,
            input int unsigned data);
            $display("bfm_write: 'h%08h 'h%08h", addr, data);

        virtual task bfm_read(
            output int unsigned __retval,
            input int unsigned addr);
            $display("bfm_read: 'h%08h", addr);
            __retval = 42;


Our testbench environment is responsible for providing code, like that shown above, to provide an implementation for the import functions. Our implementation, here, is quite simple: We print a message when either task is called, and return the value 42 from the read function.

module simple_read_write;
    import simple_read_write_pkg::*;
    import pss_top__Entry_pkg::*;

    initial begin
        automatic api_impl api = new();
        pss_top__Entry actor = new(api);;

Finally, we can put everything together and run our PSS model. The code above creates an instance of our implementation of the API class, and passes it to the constructor of our PSS Actor class. When we run the simulation, we should see something like the following:

bfm_write: 'h00000000 'h12345678
bfm_write: 'h00000004 'h12345678
bfm_read: 'h00000004
PSS read data 42

Summary and What’s Next

We’ve looked at the funadamentals of a strategy to integrate two object-oriented languages, via global functions, in an object-oriented way. This approach gives us flexibility in changing how APIs are implemented using the standard object-oriented approaches that we’re used to.

But, we’re not done just yet. You can likely imagine how this approach supports multiple indepdent PSS model instances. But, how does it support API implementations coming from different sources, and multiple independent streams of activity within one PSS model? In the next post, we’ll start to dig into how to interface PSS to verifcation IP (VIP) and bus functional models (BFMs).

Copyright 2014-2025 Matthew Ballance. All Rights Reserved
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

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