Automating Bare-Metal Tests with PSS · Bits, Bytes, and Gates

Automating Bare-Metal Tests with PSS

As a technologist, it’s tempting to focus on what is new (at least, new to me) – especially when choosing what to write about. I’m periodically reminded that there is immense value in returning to topics. Returning to a topic might raise awareness with a different set of readers, but it’s also highly likely that I’ll learn something new about the topic, or that my perspective on the topic will evolve in the process.

This post marks the beginning of just such a “back to basics” series that focuses on the Accellera Portable Test and Stimulus (PSS) language. PSS is a specification language for modeling behavior to test. It specifically focuses on providing features that help in creating bare-metal software-driven system-level tests. Consequently, this ‘Intro to PSS’ series will focus on the task of the bare-metal software-driven test writer, and the value PSS provides.

Programming Languages Categories

When it comes to programming languages, there are two big categories: general-purpose programming languages and domain-specific programming languages. General-purpose programming languages such as C/C++, Java, Python, and Rust are designed to be able to implement any algorithm or behavior. The “any…” part comes with a caveat, of course: any algorithm or behavior given sufficient expertise and time.

There are classes of problems that have such well-defined expert solutions that it’s considered wasteful to actually apply large amounts of expert-programmer resource to create a bespoke solution each time they arise. This is where domain-specific languages (DSL) come into play. A domain-specific language provides a way to capture a problem in a way that a domain expert finds familiar, along with enough information to enable a synthesis tool to produce an optimal implementation in a general-purpose language.

Cases where DSLs shine

As you may have guessed, PSS is a domain-specific language. In this case, one targeted at capturing system-level test behavior in terms familiar to a domain expert. Let’s take a look at another very popular application for domain-specific languages to better understand the value and tradeoffs that they provide.

An excellent example of an application of domain-specific languages is building lexical analyzers (lexers) and parsers. People that define languages think in terms of language grammars – typically captured in Backus-Naur Form (BNF). For example, here is a snippet of BNF grammar from the PSS language-reference manual.

action_body_item ::=
 | override_declaration
 | constraint_declaration
 | action_field_declaration

Coding a parser by hand from this description involves a fair amount of analysis to, for example, identify the keywords that would cause a parser to proceed down one branch vs another, and how many tokens of ‘lookahead’ are needed in each case to disambiguate choices. While these are critical implementation decisions, they’re difficult for a human to make by hand since they often involve ‘global’ thinking about the whole of a sizable language grammar. In other words, not areas of thinking that to which the untrained human mind lends itself.

 | override_declaration
 | constraint_declaration
 | action_field_declaration

Re-expressing the BNF in the terms of a domain-specific language is an almost-trivial exercise for a domain expert in language design. The code snippet above is in ANTLR4 format. There are a few small changes in format, and a few things that are conveyed typographically in a printed language grammar are conveyed differently to support programmatic processing, but overall the DSL description is easy to learn for a domain expert.

By capturing our language grammar in a domain-specific language format, we’re able to make use of a parser/lexer builder tool to derive an efficient implementation of a language parser for this language. The parser-builder tool is able to easily and quickly make high-quality global optimizations that would have been very time consuming and error-prone for a human to make. And, if we change the grammar at some point, we only need to re-run the the parser-builder tool to derive a new (and still optimal) parser implementation.

Looking at a few domain-specific languages, they tend to shine when:

  • There exists a natural (innate or acquired) way for a domain expert to capture a domain problem.
  • Deterministic, automated methods exist to derive an optimized implementation from the domain-specific description
  • There is a significant difference between the best way to describe a problem and the best way to implement it in a general-purpose programming language
  • Achieving a good implementation requires global and/or concurrent optimization.

Where does Bare-Metal Testing fit?

With that in mind, let’s look back at our target application for PSS: creation of bare-metal software-driven tests. In a typical system-development flow, development and verification of hardware and software proceed on different paths up to a point. Of course, there can be some cross-over in the process, but the time when software really starts to run on the hardware for which it is intended is once the hardware system is assembled and verified.

Once a stable hardware-like representation of the hardware system exists, the integration team can really get started on completing software for the system. Note that I said “hardware-like”. In many cases, this representation of the hardware system will be a hardware emulator, or an FPGA prototype. The key is that the representation has sufficient stability and performance to support software-development efforts.

Two key factors to a successful hardware/software integration process are maximizing the stability of the hardware platform and having an efficient path to reproduce and produce minimized testcases for any bugs found by the integration team. The quality, quantity, and flexibility of the bare-metal tests used to verify the system-level hardware platform has a huge impact on success here.

What are Bare-Metal Tests?

In order to appreciate some of the key benefits that PSS has to offer in creating bare-metal software-driven tests, it’s useful to understand a bit more about about the characteristics of bare-metal software tests.

As their name suggests, bare-metal software tests run directly on the processor cores of a design. Unlike production software, they don’t run on top of an operating system or real-time operating system (RTOS), and consequently don’t have access to services that operating systems provide, such as:

  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Threads and processes
  • Multi-processor scheduling infrastructure
  • Device-driver infrastructure

There are very good reasons that bare-metal tests opt to run directly on the hardware and forego the use of an operating system.

Early software-driven integration testing is performed using a hardware simulator to provide maximum debug visibility. Simulating a full system at RTL is a slow process. Even simple operating systems run a not-insignificant amount of code prior to execution of the application, all of which is running very very slowly on a simulated RTL model of a processor. Running bare-metal tests enables running more actual test code.

The code that an operating system runs on start-up assumes that a the hardware platform is stable. For example, for proper operation, it will require that memory accesses to different regions, and very possibly atomic operations, are working. It will require that exceptions and interrupts are stable. Instability in the hardware platform is likely to manifest itself in kernel panic, “blue screen of death”, or other generic error signal that is unlikely to point the developer to the root cause with any accuracy. We can create much more focused tests for ensuring stability in various aspects of the platform that can produce much more accurate failure signatures, allowing the developer to zero in on the root cause much more quickly.

Finally, writing bare-metal tests gives us much more fine-grained control over the hardware. The goal of an OS is to produce an optimal balance between overall throughput, scheduling fairness, and other factors such as power consumption. The bare-metal testers goal is often to hit corner cases that such a ‘balanced’ approach to running code doesn’t lend itself to.

So, how does PSS Help?

So, we have good reasons for writing our early software-driven tests as bare-metal software. But this doesn’t really make them any easier to write. Over the next few posts we will explore how the PSS domain-specific language helps to boost test-writing productivity, while still enabling us to derive lean and mean bare-metal software-driven tests. We will see how PSS processing tools bridge the abstraction gap between a PSS-level description and good bare-metal implementation code. We will see how a PSS description enables PSS processing tools to make good global optimizations that are difficult and error-prone for humans. It remains to be seen whether PSS is considered to provide a natural (innate or acquired) way to capture system-level tests. I hope you’ll have the information to assess this for yourself by the end of this series.

Copyright 2014-2024 Matthew Ballance. All Rights Reserved
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

Posts in the series "Intro to PSS"

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