PSS Concurrency and Resources · Bits, Bytes, and Gates

PSS Concurrency and Resources

Resource contention is a challenge that arises any time concurrency and shared resources (data, hardware accelerators, etc) are involved. It’s one of the big challenges, and source of bugs, in implementing code that takes advantage of parallelism. When it comes to hardware resources, safe access to shared resources is generally managed in production by the operating system. There are two big reasons that using this same approach for bare-metal tests isn’t a good solution:

  • First, and most obvious, is that our bare-metal tests don’t have an operating system to use in managing access to shared devices
  • Second, and more interesting, is that our tests are constraint guided and seek to exercise as many unique corner cases as possible. In contrast, the OS can focus simply on providing correct results, and doesn’t need t be as concerned with being able to produce interesting and unique corner cases.

The good news, as you might guess, is that PSS provides constructs for modeling available resources and how actions can make use of them without conflicts – whether the actions are executing sequentially or concurrently. Let’s dig in and learn more.

Resources and the DMA Example

In the DMA example, the most obvious features that must be managed as a resource are the channels. Channels can execute memory transfers in parallel – an important usecase for the IP. Eventually, the OS driver for the DMA will manage satisfying requests for a DMA channel. But, for now, our test will need to manage allocating channels itself.

PSS Resource Management in Three Parts

There are three key parts to managing resources in PSS.

  • A data type to encapsulate data related to the resource kind
  • A pool of a given resource kind that specifies the number of available resources
  • A resource claim on an action to acquire a resource with specific characteristics

Resource Type

A resource data type is declared using the resource keyword. A resource type is very similar to a struct, in that it can contain random and non-random data fields and constraints.

A resource data type has one built-in field named instance_id. The instance_id field is a simple but effective way to uniquely identify a resource instance.

buffer MemBuf {
    rand bit[32]        size; // Size of the data
    addr_handle_t       addr_h;

resource Channel { }

component WbDma {
    // ...

In the case of the DMA engine, the key thing we need to know is to which DMA channel an action is assigned. Consequently, our resource type Channel doesn’t contain any custom fields.

Resource Pool

In prior posts, we’ve hand-waved a bit about where buffer pools are placed, and how they are statically bound to actions. Now that we have resources, we need to be a bit more mindful of pools, where they are placed, and how actions are bound to them.

component WbDma {

    pool MemBuf     mem_buf_p;
    bind mem_buf_p  *;

    pool [16] Channel    channels_p;
    bind channels_p *;
    // ...

The bind directive connects a pool to a set of actions that reference that flow-object type. In our case, we have placed the resource pool inside the WbDma component and bound it to all actions that claim a Channel resource because channels are a property of a specific DMA engine instance. Actions running on that instance of a DMA engine IP have access to the available channels. Actions running on a different instance have access to a different set of channels.

Note that a resource pool always has a size, unlike
buffer pools that are unsized. The specified size states exactly how many resources exist in the pool.

As in previous posts, our WbDma component is instantiated inside the top component in the componet tree, pss_top.

component pss_top {
    transparent_addr_space_c<>               aspace;
    WbDma                                    dma;

    // ...

Let’s say we add another instance of the DMA engine:

component pss_top {
    transparent_addr_space_c<>               aspace;
    WbDma                                    dma_1;
    WbDma                                    dma_2;

    // ...

Everything will work as we expect with the resource pool local to each DMA component, and resource claims on actions within the DMA Component bound to that local pool. When an action runs on the dma_1 instance, it will contend with other actions running on that component for the available 16 channels. Likewise, for an action running on the dma_2 instance.

What would be different if we moved the resource pool up a level?

component pss_top {
    transparent_addr_space_c<>               aspace;
    pool [16] Channel                        channels_p;
    bind channels_p *;
    WbDma                                    dma_1;
    WbDma                                    dma_2;

    // ...

Now, all actions that run on either dma_1 or dma_2 contend for the same set of shared channel resources because all actions are bound to the same resource pool.

Doing things this way doesn’t make sense for our DMA example, but certainly makes sense in other cases. For example, consider a case where we have a family of algorithm accelerators - each with their own distinct actions - that all need to use some shared resource such as a shared DMA engine. In that case, having all actions share the same resource pool would make sense.

Resource Claim

Finally, we reach the point where we can have our DMA actions claim a resource. Actions claim resources using a special lock or share field within the action. Much like the input and output fields used with buffers, declaring a resource lock or share field causes the PSS tool to make the field point to a resource that matches any criteria the user has specified for the resource.

action Mem2Mem {
    input MemBuf            src_i;
    input MemBuf            dst_o;
    rand addr_claim_s<>     dst_claim;
    lock Channel            channel;

    // Input and output size must be the same
    constraint dst_o.size == src_i.size;
    // ...

In the case above, the only criteria the action places on the resource is that it needs to have exclusive (lock) access to it. No other action can use the channel at the same time.

It’s also possible to use constraints to add more criteria on selection of a resource. Take the example test below:

extend component pss_top {
    action TestParallelXfer {

        activity {
            parallel {
                do WbDma::Mem2Mem with instance_id == 0;
                do WbDma::Mem2Mem with instance_id == 1;
                do WbDma::Mem2Mem with instance_id < 8;


In this case, we are very specific about which channels two of the three transfers should run on. Perhaps that is because we want to exercise some aspect of the arbitration scheme. For the third parallel transfer, we request a channel less than 8. The PSS tool will randomly select an appropriate channel, while not selecting channels 0 or 1.

Locking vs Sharing a Resource

In the case of the DMA example, acquiring exclusive access to a DMA channel (locking it) is the appropriate choice. In fact, locking resources is probably the most common use case. However, there are certainly valid cases where we need to allow multiple actions to access the same resource.

The most straightforward case for shared access to a resource is when a resource provides some useful information that can be read by multiple actions. In this case, actions that wish to read the information should acquire the resource as a share(d) resource. Actions wishing to write the information should acquire the resource as a lock(ed) resource. Doing this will enable multiple actions to read information from the resource-protected element, while ensuring that no action is simultaneously trying to change the stored information.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In this post, we’ve seen how PSS enables the definition of resources that can only be used in certain ways by certain actions over time, and have seen how PSS resources can be applied to describe restrictions on how DMA channels can be used over time by concurrent behavior.

In the next post, we’ll look at using PSS registers to connect the actions in our PSS model to the registers within the DMA engine.


Copyright 2014-2024 Matthew Ballance. All Rights Reserved
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

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