Of Register Models and Standards · Bits, Bytes, and Gates

Of Register Models and Standards

Memory-mapped registers play an integral part in configuring and driving the operation of the vast majority of digital designs today. As a consequence, it’s not surprising that each language and methodology involved in the design, verification, and documentation of digital designs has its own way of interacting with registers. Fortunately, standard languages and descriptions exist that allow these language- and methodology-specific formats to be created from a single central description.

This post focuses on the results of a weekend project that allows a Portable Test and Stimulus (PSS) register access layer to be created from SystemRDL input.

Why so Many RALs?

Nearly every design and verification environment defines a way to access and manipulate registers. UVM provides a set of classes for capturing the definition of register fields, register banks, and address maps. It’s common when writing low-level firmware or tests in C to have either pre-processor defines or C ‘structs’ that specify the layout of fields within registers and registers within the device memory map. PSS, as well, defines a set of data structures to use in specifying the layout of registers.

Why go to this effort? The simple answer is that it makes code much easier to create and understand, which makes mistakes much less likely.

Consider the following register, which captures two aspects of how a DMA transfer is carried out.

Let’s assume that we want to configure the DMA engine to transfer a total of 128 words, with a chunk size of 4 words.

  uint32_t tot_chk_sz_v = 0;
  tot_chk_sz_v |= 128; // set total size
  tok_chk_sz_v |= (4 << 16);
  write32(chk_sz_reg, tot_chk_sz_v);

This code certainly accomplishes the job. It will result in the intended values being written into the register. However, other than comments, there is nothing in this code to provide meaning to the constants that are used. If you’re like me, revisiting this code after a few months will have you reaching for the DMA Engine’s programmers’ guide to remember what all those numbers mean.

Using a register-access layer makes our code more readable. For example, here is that same code in C using a struct-based register access layer:

  fwperiph_dma_ch_sz tot_chk_sz_v = {0};
  tot_chk_sz_v.tot_sz = 128;
  tot_chk_sz_v.chk_sz = 4;
  write32(&dma->ch_sz, tot_chk_sz_v.value);

Even without going into detail on exactly what is happening here, the code conveys a much better picture of what is happening. And, we don’t need to worry about shifting and masking our data to cause it to be placed in the right bit positions.

Register-description Standards

This is great, but across a project we’re likely to need to have register access layers for UVM, C, and (just maybe) PSS. Clearly, environment-specific register-access layers helps us be productive. But, having to create each by hand has a high cost. Fortunately, there exist a couple of standard description language for capturing the layout of registers. This allows us to capture the register layout once, and use automation tools to generate the specific register-access layers that we need.

IP-XACT – Registers (and more) in XML

IP-XACT has been around in one flavor or another since around 2004. Its purpose is to document the external and programming interfaces of IPs in a machine readable format. While this mission is much more expansive than just capturing registers, IP-XACT also supports capturing register definitions.

In IP-XACT, our DMA transfer-size register description looks like this:

          <ipxact:description>Total transfer size (in words)</ipxact:description>
          <ipxact:description>Chunk size</ipxact:description>

IP-XACT captures all the data we need, and provides a great interchange format between tools. The one thing it’s (subjectively) not good at is providing a human-friently description. XML, after all, is quite verbose.

SystemRDL – A language for describing registers

That brings us to SystemRDL. SystemRDL is a domain-specific language (DSL) specifically designed for capturing the structure and layout of registers.

In SystemRDL, our DMA transfer-size register description looks like this:

reg fwperiph_dma_channel_sz {
    field {
        desc = "Total transfer size (in words)";
        hw = rw;
        sw = rw;
    } tot_sz[11:0];
    field {
        desc = "Chunk size";
        hw = rw;
        sw = rw;
    } chk_sz[24:16];

While the code above captures the same information as the previous IP-XACT snippet, the SystemRDL description is shorter and (arguably) much easier for a human to capture. Ease of use is generally the benefit of using a domain-specific language. The cost is the expense (dollars, development time, etc) of tools to support a domain-specific language.

PeakRDL – Tools for processing SystemRDL

That brings me to Latch-Up – the excellent FOSSi Foundation conference that acts as the US version of ORConf. I was fortunate to be able to attend this year and, as always, learned a great deal about developments in the open-source hardware development space.

It was at Latch-Up that I first became aware of PeakRDL. PeakRDL is a collection of tools focused on the SystemRDL language.

In addition to tools for parsing and transforming SystemRDL descriptions into various output formats, PeakRDL provides a VSCode extension that supports syntax highlighting for SystemRDL files.

PeakRDL-pss - Connecting SystemRDL to PSS

Ever since I saw PeakRDL at Latch-Up in April, my TODO list has contained an item dedicated to adding support for the PSS register-access layer. Fortunately, PeakRDL has a well-defined extension mechanism that allows new input formats and output formats to be supported without touching the core of the tool.

Last weekend, I was starting to hand-write yet another PSS register description when I thought “why not tackle that TODO-list item and actually create the PSS exporter? How hard could it really be?”.

And, the great news is that it was really straightforward. I used an existing extension module as a reference, and completed most of the work in an afternoon. You can find the source here if you’re really interested. It’s about 300 lines of pretty simple code.

Our example DMA engine register, when rendered as PSS, looks like the following. One implementation detail that the PSS export plug-in handles is insertion of ‘reserved’ fields between register fields that are not contiguous.

    struct fwperiph_dma_channel_sz : packed_s<> {
        bit[12] tot_sz;
        bit[4] reserved;
        bit[9] chk_sz;

Conclusions and next steps

Register access layers are key to making testbench and firmware code that interacts with registers easy to understand and maintain. Standard register-description languages allow developers to capture the layout of registers using a easy-to-read and maintain language, then use automation tools like PeakRDL to automate generation of the environment-specific register access layer code.

In terms of next steps for PSS support in PeakRDL, the long-term goal is to finish documenting the extension and get is up-streamed to the PeakRDL organization. Until then, you can try out the flow by installing PeakRDL, then installing the PSS extension from the GitHub repository.

  % pip install peakrdl
  % pip install git+https://github.com/mballance/PeakRDL-pss
  % peakrdl pss -o my_register_model.pss my_register_model.rdl
Copyright 2014-2024 Matthew Ballance. All Rights Reserved
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

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