Easy Access to Python Libraries with a SystemVerilog Convenience API · Bits, Bytes, and Gates

Easy Access to Python Libraries with a SystemVerilog Convenience API

In the last post (DPI Isn’t Enough: Making Python Part of Your SV Testbench), we looked at how to use the PyHDL-IF library to call SystemVerilog from Python. This is, in some sense, the most challenging Python and SV interaction to implement. And, as the title suggests, it’s something that definitely requires more than just the raw features of the SystemVerilog DPI.

That said, there are many cases where we simply want to access some functionality that is readily-available in Python and not readily-available in SystemVerilog. In these cases, we don’t need to call back into SystemVerilog from Python. Arguably, we could simply use SystemVerilog DPI To call the relevant Python C API. The PyHDL-IF library uses the Python C API internally to implement cross-calling between SystemVerilog and Python, and it’s always good to have it as an option. The downside is that code that uses the C API tends to be rather verbose, so let’s see if we can improve the situation with a SystemVerilog convenience API.

PyHDL-IF Architecture

The PyHDL-IF implements the interface between Python and HDLs with a layered architecture.

block-beta columns 1 block:UIApp columns 1 TitleApp["App-Specific Interfaces"] style TitleApp fill:transparent,stroke:transparent block:UICodeAPIs UICall["Method Call"] UITlm["TLM"] end end block:UIMid columns 1 TitleMid["Convenience API"] end block:UIDirect columns 1 TitleDirect["CPython API"] end

In the last post, we looked at an example built on top of the ‘Call’ API. This is the API that manages blocking cross-calling between Python and a HDL. Using this API requires us to mark up our Python API with decorators and generate SystemVerilog source to implement the API in the SystemVerilog environment.

We could use this same approach to “wrap up” the API of a Python library and expose it to SystemVerilog. But, it often makes sense to use one of the lower-level interface APIs. Let’s look at an example.

Loading JSON Data

UVM testbench environments can be highly-configurable when used for complex, configurable IPs. Capturing the configuration data in a JSON or YAML file is helpful in keeping all the settings in one place. The challenge arises when we want to acccess that data from our UVM environment. Current options include:

  • Integrate a parser implemented in C via SV DPI
  • Implement a parser in SystemVerilog

Both of these involve a fair amount of (likely project-specific) work and debugging. In contrast, reading a JSON file in Python and iterating through the top-level entries is trivial:

import json

datafile = "data1.json"

fp = open(datafile, "r")
data_s = fp.read()

data = json.loads(data_s)
keys = data.keys()

for i in range(len(keys)):
    print("Key: %d %s" % (i, keys[i]))

for key in keys:
    print("Key: %s" % key)

SV/Python Convenience API

Using the PyHDL-IF library, we actually have several options for leveraging Python to access JSON data. Let’s look at using SystemVerilog convenience API. This API is object-oriented and higher level than the raw CPython API (which we also can use).

    import pyhdl_if::*;

    initial begin
        automatic string datafile;
        automatic py_object json, data_fp, data_s;
        automatic py_dict data;
        automatic py_list keys;

        if (!$value$plusargs("data=%s", datafile)) begin
            $display("Error: no datafile specified");


        // Import Python's 'json' package 
        json = py_import("json");

        // Open and read the specified data file
        data_fp = py_call_builtin("open", py_tuple::mk_init('{
        data_s = data_fp.call_attr("read"); 

        // Parse the data
        data = py_dict::mk(json.call_attr("loads", 

        // Get the list of keys
        keys = data.keys();

        // Iterate based on the list size
        for (int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) begin
            $display("Key: %0d %0s", i, keys.get_item(i).to_str());

        // Use an iterator
        for (py_iter i=keys.iter(); i.valid(); ) begin
            automatic py_object it = i.next();
            $display("Key: %0s", it.to_str());


The code above accomplishes the same thing as the pure-Python code that reads a JSON file. While the SystemVerilog code involves roughly twice as many lines as the pure-Python code, it is pure SystemVerilog. And, it didn’t require us to do any code generation or any special “tagging” of Python code. Let’s look in more detail at what’s happening in this code, and how the PyHDL-IF convenience API helps us out.

Calling Built-in Functions

One of the first things we need to do is to read the contents of the JSON data file. The Python open function is a built-in. This means that it’s not contained in another package or module that needs to be imported.

        data_fp = py_call_builtin("open", py_tuple::mk_init('{

PyHDL-IF provides the py_call_builtin function to call built-ins. The PYthon C API requires function arguments to be Python objects, and to be packed in a Tuple. The py_tuple::mk_init function handles creating the properly-sized tuple. The helper function py_from_str creates a Python string object from a SystemVerilog string value.

Calling Methods

The open function returns a Python stream object. We want to read all the data from the file and then close the file.

        data_s = data_fp.call_attr("read"); 

The call_attr function implemented by the py_object SV class handles looking up the requested attribute within the Python object and calling it. In this case, both read and close methods take no arguments.

        // Parse the data
        data = py_dict::mk(json.call_attr("loads", py_tuple::mk_init('{data_s})));

Python views everything as an object. Consequently, the loads method within the json package is just an attribute with the json package object. This means that we can call it in the same way we would invoke a method on a class-type object. We happen to know that the return of the loads method is a Python dictionary (dict). Therefore, we can directly convert the return value to a py_dict` object. This allows us to use convenience methods to access the data.


Now that we have a Python dictionary containing the JSON data, we likely will want to iterate over it. The PyHDL-IF objects also provide some convenience APIs to help simplify this process as well.

    // Get the list of keys
    keys = data.keys();

    // Iterate based on the list size
    for (int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) begin
        $display("Key: %0d %0s", i, keys.get_item(i).to_str());

A Python dictionary returns it key set as a list. Perhaps the simplest way to iterate over the items of list is to get each element via its index, as shown above.

    // Use an iterator
    for (py_iter i=keys.iter(); i.valid(); ) begin
        automatic py_object it = i.next();
        $display("Key: %0s", it.to_str());

The list object also implements Python’s iteration interface. PyHDL-IF also provides helper types and functions around this interface. We can still use a SystemVerilog for loop. The difference is that the iteration variable is actually a Python iterator object. Here, again, the convenience API simplifies the user code compared to using the raw CPython API.


The PyHDL-IF Python convenience API enables you to call Python code from SystemVerilog without the need to generate any application-specific code, and with less work that directly using the CPython API would require. This reduction of effort makes is incredibly simple to augment the capabilities of your existing testbench with those of a library from the vast Python ecosystem.


Copyright 2014-2025 Matthew Ballance. All Rights Reserved
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

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