Declarative Programming and Multi-Core Tests · Bits, Bytes, and Gates

Declarative Programming and Multi-Core Tests

As humans, we often pride ourselves on our ability to multi-task. Not only can we participate in a meeting, we can we simultaneously prepare the slides for the next meeting. Sadly, science has some bad news about our perception to multitask vs our actual ability. In reality, like a single-core processor, our mind is rapidly context switching between tasks to provide an illusion of simultaneous focus on multiple tasks. Re-establishing sole focus on a task can take 20 minutes and, during that time, productivity suffers by as much as 40%. Suffice it to say that we’re really working at half speed when constantly multitasking.

What does multi-tasking have to do with PSS and bare-metal test creation? Well, there is another task that I’ve observed humans consistently find challenging: parallel and, especially, multi-core programming. I think there’s actually a connection between this and the challenges our brain has in multi-tasking. With a sequential program, I can reason step-by-step as to what happens. I can do the same for some portions of a parallel program. But, whenever the parallel threads interact, I need to reason about their possible relationships at that point in time. What happens under each possible ordering of threads reaching the synchronization point? It’s this last point that, I think, really stresses our multi-tasking ability. Not only do we need to envision what is happening in the context of one thread, but need to simultaneously envision the set of possible actions the other threads may be taking.

Specific Bare-Metal Multi-Core Test Challenges

Creating bare-metal, multi-core tests poses challenges beyond just the core challenges of managing parallel behavior described above. Keep in mind that, because we don’t have an OS to manage the processor cores, our test will need to be partitioned into per-core test programs that synchronize with each other.

graph TD; A[Core0\nWrite]-->B[Core1\nCopy]; B-->C[Core0\nCheck];

The diagram above shows the test flow of a bring-up test that, on the surface, is quite simple:

  • Write some memory from Core0
  • Read that memory from Core1, and write some data elsewhere (copy)
  • Read the memory written by Core1 from Core0 and check that it’s correct

From this simple test flow, we will need to create two core-specific tests that coordinate to achieve the desired activity. The diagram below shows what our test core-specific tests need to do:

flowchart TB c01-. notify .->c10 c11-. notify .->c02 subgraph Core1 c1s[["Core1 Start"]] c1s-->c10 c10(["Wait: Core0::Write"]) c10-->d d[Core1\nCopy] d-->c11 c11(["Notify: Copy Complete"]) c11-->c1e c1e[["Core1 End"]] end subgraph Core0 c0s[["Core0 Start"]] c0s-->a a[Core0\nWrite] a-->c01 c01(["Notify: Write Complete"]) c01-->c02 c02(["Wait: Core1::Copy Complete"]) c02-->e e[Core0\nCheck] e-->c0e c0e[["Core0 End"]] end
  • Core 0
    • Wakes up and writes to the specified memory location
    • Notifies Core 1 that the write is complete
    • Waits for Core 1 to notify that the read/write is complete
    • Read the data from the specified location
  • Core 1
    • Wakes up and waits for Core 0 to write to the specified memory location
    • Reads the specified location and writes to another
    • Notifies Core 0

In this case, we are working with three operations distributed across two cores. As we introduce more behaviors spread across more processor cores, the individual tests only become more complex.

PSS and Declarative Descriptions

You may have heard PSS described as a declarative language and wondered what that really meant in practice. PSS being a declarative-first language is very important in enabling some of the capabilities of PSS. That said, the definition of ‘declarative language’ is a bit flexible.

In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm — a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs — that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.

Put another way:

Declarative programming is a non-imperative style of programming in which programs describe their desired results without explicitly listing commands or steps that must be performed.

The PSS modeling layer that we looked at in the last post is heavily constraint-based, exposing the declarative programming basis for that portion of the language. We also see the declarative basis in how PSS approaches implementing multi-core test programs by focusing the test writer on capturing the desired intent of the test with respect to parallel execution rather than capturing the implementation of synchronization across threads.

As we see more of the PSS language and its applications, the implications and results of PSS having a declarative modeling layer will become clearer. For now, focus on two things:

  • We need to think in relationships and rules instead of computation steps.
  • We can focus much more on what we want to happen in our tests instead of on how we’re going to get our tests to do that.

When it comes to our multi-core test, this means that we are free to focus on what interesting patterns of memory access we want to form, and leave the task of creating self-synchronizing per-core test programs to our PSS tool.

PSS and the Multi-Core Memory Test

Let’s revisit our multi-core memory test – this time showing the PSS approach. First, a warning. We’re pretty early in looking through all the constructs supported by the PSS language, so don’t worry if you don’t recognize or understand the details of every language construct.

graph TD; A[Core0\nWrite]-->B[Core1\nCopy]; B-->C[Core0\nCheck];

Modeling the Leaf-Level Actions

First, let’s create Write, Copy, and Check actions. Let’s keep our data generation and checking simple by using an incrementing data pattern.

component memtest_c {
    addr_handle_t       base_addr;

    action Write {
        rand executor_claim_s<core_s> core;
        rand bit[64] in [0..0xFFFFFF] offset;
        rand bit[32] in [1..256]      words;

        exec body {
            repeat (i : words) {
                    make_handle_from_handle(comp.base_addr, 4*(offset+i)), 

    // ...

Okay, what do we have going on here? First off, let’s talk about two new data types: addr_handle_t and executor_claim. PSS defines the addr_handle_t type to represent an abstract reference to memory on the target system. You can think of this as a sort of pointer if you’re a C programmer. Unlike in C, though, we don’t directly manipulate an addr_handle_t variable.

PSS defines the executor_claim_s type to allow an action to specify on which core it runs. The term executor encompasses both processor cores and elements of the testbench that execute behavior. As a user, we need to be able to direct actions to run on specific cores using relevant characteristics of the cores. The executor claim data structure is templated with a data type that allows us to specify that relevant data.

Finally, we have two random variables to specify a offset and size for the write, and an exec block that specifies the behavior to run when the action executes. In this case, call the write32 PSS built-in method to write an incrementing value to a memory location.

component memtest_c {
    // ...

    action Copy {
        rand executor_claim_s<core_s> core;
        rand bit[64] in [0..0xFFFFFF] src;
        rand bit[64] in [0..0xFFFFFF] dst;
        rand bit[32] in [1..256]      words;

        exec body {
            bit[32] tmp;
            repeat (i : words) {
                tmp = read32(

    // ...

Okay, many familiar things with the Copy action. Here, we’re also selecting a core to run on (core) and have a random src and dst offset that point to different areas in memory.

In this case, our exec body block reads from the source area and writes to the destination area.

component memtest_c {

    // ...

    action Check {
        rand executor_claim_s<core_s> core;
        rand bit[64] in [0..0xFFFFFF] offset;
        rand bit[32] in [1..256]      words;

        exec body {
            bit[32] tmp;
            repeat (i : words) {
                tmp = read32(
                if (tmp != i+1) {
                    error("0x%08x: expect %d ; receive %d", 
                        4*(offset+i), i+1, tmp);

    // ...

Finally, our Check action reads back words from a region of memory and expects to find an incrementing pattern of data.

A Convenience Action

In order to perform a write, copy, check operation with these three actions, we need to ensure that some relationships hold. Let’s create a convenience action where we can place those constraints.

As a side note, PSS provides much richer mechanisms for managing memory and coordination between actions. But let’s keep things simple for now.

component memtest_c {

    // ...

    action WriteCopyCheck {
        Write             write;
        Copy              copy;
        Check             check;

        activity {

        constraint {
            // Copy reads from same location that Write populated
            copy.src == write.offset; 
            // Check reads from the same location that Copy populated
            copy.dst == check.offset;
            // All actions write the same number of words
            copy.words == write.words;
            copy.words == check.words;

            // Ensure that src/dst regions do not overlap
            (copy.src+(4*copy.words) < copy.dst) ||
            (copy.src > copy.dst+(4*copy.words));

    // ...

Our WriteCopyCheck action provides us a simple and reusable write/copy/check operation that we can use and customize without worrying about the constraints inside.

Modeling the Cores and Memory

Let’s come back to how we describe cores. The leaf-level actions use a data structure named core_s to describe information about the processor cores. We can choose to put any type of data in this data structure to describe key attributes about the processor cores in our system. For now, let’s just give each core a numeric ID.

struct core_s : executor_trait_s {
    rand bit[8]     id;

PSS defines two built-in component types to represent an individual executor and a group of executors. Assuming we have 4 cores, let’s define a corresponding set of executors and group them.

struct core_s : executor_trait_s {
    rand bit[8]     id;

component pss_top {
    executor_c<core_s>         core[4];
    executor_group_c<core_s>   cores;
    transparent_addr_space_c<> aspace;
    memtest_c                  memtest;

    exec init {
        foreach (core[i]) {
            core[i] = i;

        // Define a memory region
        transparent_addr_region_s<> region;
        region.addr = 0x8000_0000;
        region.size = 0x1000_0000;
        memtest.base_addr = aspace.add_region(region);

In the snippet above, we’ve declared an executor for each core and specified its unique id. Each individual core is added to the cores group of executors. As you might guess, this entire scheme is designed to handle much more complex associations of cores and groups of cores.

We also declare an address space that contains a region of memory. The memory region starts at 0x8000_0000 and is 0x1000_0000 in size. The add_region call shown in the exec block returns an address handle, which we assign to the base_addr field in the memtest component. Our Write/Copy/Check actions will be able to access the memory region via this handle.

Creating Tests

Let’s start by writing a test that is identical to the test flowchart that we’ve been looking at:

graph TD; A[Core0\nWrite]-->B[Core1\nCopy]; B-->C[Core0\nCheck];
component pss_top {
    // ...

    action Copy_0_1_0 {
        activity {
            do memtest_c::WriteCopyCheck with {
       == 0;
       == 1;
       == 0;

Simply by adding a few extra constraints (rules) on top of our convenience Write/Copy/Check action, we can achieve exactly the scenario of writing data from Core 0, Copying it using Core 1, then checking the result from Core 0. Notice that, in this case, the size of data being created and copied is random.

component pss_top {
    // ...

    action Copy_same_core {
        activity {
            do memtest_c::WriteCopyCheck with {

With a slightly different set of rules, we can say that we want the same core to perform the write, copy, and check. The actual core (0..3) will be randomly selected

component pss_top {
    // ...

    action Copy_check_diff_core {
        activity {
            do memtest_c::WriteCopyCheck with {

Changing the rules again, we can require the core writing data to be different from the core checking data. The one copying data is left completely random.


While the human mind may not lend itself to efficiently reasoning about concurrency, automation can go a long way to simplifying the creation of multi-core tests. In this post, we’ve seen a few ways in which the declarative modeling approach that PSS defines helps in focusing the user on capturing what to test, and delegating the task of making happen – the how – to the PSS test-synthesis tool. This lets us quickly change the rules of the test to focus in on specific scenarios – how much data is being transferred, for example – and the generated test follows. This results in a huge boost in test-creation productivity vs manually coding (or copy/paste/modifying) individual tests.

If you have access to a PSS processing tool, please try out the example code (link below). You should be able to observe the multi-core synchronization code that the PSS tool emits to explicitly schedule and synchronize behavior across multiple processor cores.

In the next post, we’ll start to learn about the features PSS provides to help actions communicate in a reusable and modular fashion.


Copyright 2014-2024 Matthew Ballance. All Rights Reserved
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

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